Optimization by Nelder-Mead method

In this section, we will explain how to calculate the inverse problem of analyzing atomic coordinates from diffraction data using the Nelder-Mead method. The specific calculation procedure is as follows.

  1. Preparation of the reference file

    Prepare the reference file to be matched (in this tutorial, it corresponds to sic111-r3xr3_f.dat described below).

  2. Preparation of the bulk data

    Prepare the data for bulk part (in this tutorial, it corresponds to sic111-r3xr3.blk).

  3. Run the main program

    Run the calculation using odatse-SXRD to estimate the atomic coordinates.

In the main program, the Nelder-Mead method implemented in scipy.optimize.fmin is applied to find the parameter that minimizes the deviation (R-value) between the intensity obtained using the solver (in this case sxrdcalc) and the intensity listed in the reference file (sic111-r3xr3_f.dat).

Location of the sample files

The sample files are located in sample/minsearch. The following files are stored in the folder.

  • input.toml

    Input file of the main program.

  • sic111-r3xr3.blk, sic111-r3xr3_f.dat

    Reference files to proceed with calculations in the main program.

  • ref_res.txt, ref_SimplexData.txt

    The files containing the answers you want to seek in this tutorial.

  • prepare.sh , do.sh

    Script prepared for doing all calculation of this tutorial

The following sections describe these files and then show the actual calculation results.

Input files

In this section, we prepare the input file input.toml for the main program. The details can be found in the input file section in the manual. The content of input.toml is shown below.

dimension = 2
output_dir = "output"

name = "sxrd"

sxrd_exec_file = "sxrdcalc"
bulk_struc_in_file = "sic111-r3xr3.blk"
scale_factor = 1.0
type_vector = [1, 2]
domain_occupancy = 1.0
    name = "Si"
    pos_center = [0.00000000, 0.00000000, 1.00000000]
    DWfactor = 0.0
    occupancy = 1.0
    displace_vector = [[1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    name = "Si"
    pos_center = [0.33333333, 0.66666667, 1.00000000]
    DWfactor = 0.0
    occupancy = 1.0
    displace_vector = [[1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    name = "Si"
    pos_center = [0.66666667, 0.33333333, 1.00000000]
    DWfactor = 0.0
    occupancy = 1.0
    displace_vector = [[1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
    name = "Si"
    pos_center = [0.33333333, 0.33333333, 1.20000000]
    DWfactor = 0.0
    occupancy = 1.0
    displace_vector = [[2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]]
f_in_file = "sic111-r3xr3_f.dat"

name = "minsearch"
label_list = ["z1", "z2"]
min_list = [-0.2, -0.2]
max_list = [0.2, 0.2]
initial_list = [0.0, 0.0]

First, [base] section is explained.

  • dimension is the number of variables to be optimized. In this case it is 2 since we are optimizing two variables as described in template.txt. It should match the number of elements of solver.config.type_vector described below.

  • output_dir is the name of directory for the outputs. If it is omitted, the results are written in the directory in which the program is executed.

[solver] section specifies the solver to be used inside the main program and its settings.

  • name is the name of the solver you want to use. In this tutorial it is sxrd.

The solver can be configured in the subsections [solver.config], [solver.param], and [solver.reference].

[solver.config] section specifies options for reading the output file produced by sxrdcalc that is called from the main program.

  • sxrd_exec_file is the command name of sxrdcalc. It is specified as a path to the executable file, or searched from the PATH environment variable.

  • bulk_struc_in_file specifies the bulk structure file.

[solver.param] section specifies options for the input file passed to sxrdcalc that is to be called from the main program. For the details of parameters, see the input and output section of the manual.

[solver.reference] section specifies the location of the experimental data.

  • f_in_file specifies the path to the experimental data.

[algorithm] section specifies the algorithm to use and its settings.

  • name is the name of the algorithm you want to use. In this tutorial, it is set to minsearch, since we are using the Nelder-Mead method.

  • label_list is a list of label names to be attached to the output of value_0x (x=1,2,3).

[algorithm.param] section specifies the range of parameters to search and their initial values.

  • min_list and max_list specify the minimum and maximum values of the search range, respectively.

  • initial_list specifies the initial values.

Other parameters, such as convergence criteria used in the Nelder-Mead method, can be set in the [algorithm] section, although they are omitted here so that the default values are used. See the input file section of the manual for details.

Calculation execution

First, move to the folder where the sample files are located. (We assume that you are directly under the directory where you downloaded this software.)

$ cd sample/minsearch

Copy sxrdcalc.

$ cp ../../sxrdcalc-main/sxrdcalc .

Run the main program. The computation time will take only a few seconds on a normal PC.

$ odatse-SXRD input.toml | tee log.txt

Then, the standard output will look as follows.

Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.000106
         Iterations: 26
         Function evaluations: 53
iteration: 26
len(allvecs): 27
step: 0
allvecs[step]: [0. 0.]
step: 1
allvecs[step]: [0. 0.]
step: 2
allvecs[step]: [0. 0.]

z1 and z2 are the candidate parameters at each step, and R-factor is the function value at that point. The final estimated parameters will be written to output/res.dat. In the current case, the following result will be obtained:

fx = 0.000106
z1 = -2.351035891479114e-05
z2 = 0.025129315870799473

You can see that we will get the same values as the correct answer data in ref.txt.

Note that do.sh is available as a script for batch calculation. In do.sh, res.txt and ref.txt are also compared for the check. Here is what it does, without further explanation.


sh ./prepare.sh


time odatse-SXRD input.toml | tee log.txt

echo diff output/res.txt ref.txt
diff output/res.txt ref.txt || res=$?
if [ $res -eq 0 ]; then
  echo Test PASS
  echo Test FAILED: res.txt and ref.txt differ